Gastronome: a lover of good food.

Hi guys! It’s me, Ashley Q from the Lou. Thank you for coming to check out my website! I am excited to have a space that allows me to continue to share all my love for STL food with you, I hope you find it entertaining and useful too! I am a small-town, southern IL girl that moved to Saint Louis in 2016 after traveling the world for years, eating my way through many beautiful cities and towns.
I lived Downtown for 5 years & in Dogtown for a year and a half. Now I am a new Clayton resident and can’t wait to continue exploring the neighborhood.

My love for this city started long before I became a permanent resident. Back in high school, I was the founder and president of Wesclin’s first ever Gourmet Club. I organized visits to the city for our members to meet STL chefs and hotel managers to try their food, learn about cooking, hosting events, and how the industry works. My draw to this city was born right then and there. Saint Louis’ food scene is truly slept on and I am so grateful that I get to take part in shedding light on what we really have to offer. From the old school, traditional restaurants to the new, up and coming, we really have something special.

Before STL Foodies Instagram was even born, I was snapping pictures of our delicious food and sharing them with my loved ones. My love for food became a running joke with my family and friends, to the point that they had t-shirts made! For the first couple of years of STL Foodies Instagram, I kept it a secret that I was the foodie behind the scenes. It wasn’t until I attended an invite-only food event in Central West End and was not believed to be STL Foodies that I finally came clean. Now, I can say that sharing my love of food, this city, and the people that make it so great is truly my honor! I hope to continue to provide mouthwatering content and brag on our foodie city for years to come.
Thank you for your support, I love and appreciate you all.